Sinking history…

Ooh, the photo credit is both included and unobtrusive, how convenient. Yup, that photo just about sums this post up especially as the water's even green, lol! Going way back in the the grim dark of my gaming history, back in 2nd ed. 40k, where the IG was still...

Like lambs, lead to the slaughter…

o/Last week, Kushial gifted me with a box o' grots. Contained therein were over a hundred of them!!! Da' Eleet Grot Mountin Duvishun has thus reached division size!Indeed, I made up a list with them as the primary detachment with big mek SHULTZ! (he's in the 1st...

Ha ha! Suckers…

...I'll bet you spent a fortune on jewelery didn't you?lol, for those in other countries who don't know, yesterday was Valentine's day. The holiday in which we celebrate our love, devotion etc., to our significant others. However in truth, it (like most holidays in...

No Mayans were involved in this apocalypse!

Everyone else was though...Last Saturday night's night of gaming descended into the madness of an impromptu 7k point Apocalypse game. No actual rules for Apoc. were used, however once you pass a certain point limit, it simply becomes an apocalypse game by default.I...

Digitally remasterd in FAILcast…

o/Recently my girlfriend has shown some interest in my mini gaming, and wanted to 'geek out' with my miniatures. Not knowing to much about 40k (she's more familiar with Warhammer Fantasy Role Play) aside from what she's read on GW's website, this and Neverness' blogs,...