Going underground with Zone Mortalis…

 ...and/or Kill Team, Mordheim (this stuff SCREAMS Skaven of which I still have hordes of), Necromunda (ah yes, the good ol' sump...), Turnip28 (more on this later), and just about anything else I can think of. The pic below is from Alter3Dimensya of my first...


Just when ya think you were done, the gods of Chaos strike from out of the blue and ruin ensues...NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!Picking up from my last post, there was another round of touch ups, followed by decals, inking, and finally adding a little tuft of lavender flowers poking...

Trains, (no planes) and Automobiles

For those who don't get the title reference click here.Sadly, none of my terrain will ever look this good!My Beloved Wolfy and I skipped town for a weekend to go and visit her sister and brother-in-law in Nashville, TN. Its an easy 5 hour drive (unless its pouring...

So, what to do with a non-Primaris space marine army?

The above is just a small portion of the Lions of Harlech Chapter. I do believe that there is somewhere in the realm of 4-5 fully painted companies of them.It is a valid question as out of the blue, Kushial surprised me (stunned would be more accurate) with the gift...

I gotta baby Squiggoth!

o/Neverness, paging Neverness...(again)....Anyone who reads the Neverness Hobby Chronicle has probably noticed at one point or another that in the comments, I periodically can't help but cajole/badger Neverness into painting his gargantuan squiggoth. In person, on...