‘Wow! This looks like something I’d buy…’

'...even the Space Marines look cool!'And somewhat shocked at my beloved Wolfy's pronouncement, especially about space marines whom she categorically despises, I damned near drove off the side of the interstate in shock! (I didn't or else I probably wouldn't be typing...


o/30k's Imperialis Militia list has twin-heavy stubber teams, huzzah!!!So, I've been rereading the Horus Heresy novel Legion to refamiliarize myself with my chosen 30k army. When just the other day I stumbled across a paragraph that turned the idea of using my Grymn...

My bolt action army goes digital!

lol, I found these comical little bits this past Sunday on FB from Zombiesmith, the Quar's creator. It seems the Quar have a PC game which just came out.(I have a Mac, sad face)Sorry, that's all I have for today. It was a beautiful weekend here in good Ol'...

Just in case there were any doubters…

No, my last post wasn't an April Fool's day joke. Da Masta Cheef & Wolfy: Married 4-1-16.As can be expected, there's no gaming updates from this past weekend from us. So check back Thursday and maybe I'll have something gaming related...maybe.