Comparing Apples and Oranges…

Okay, so figuring it out from the point of view of starting from scratch, here's a comaprison of what I've purchased for Gruntz vs. the 40k Spess mahreen equivalent (because lets face it, 90% of players start with marines.Also I'm not going with the Dark Vengeance...


Demz got da ORKY FORT!!!!I got these beauties fully assembled, based, in pristine condition and at a bargain price from War Frog last night! Now we can get down to playin' GorkaMorka all good'n propa! That said, this week I'm playing Bolt Action vs. Bob, but I'll ask...

Cassandra joins us for GorkaMorka Game 2.

o/Okay, not to burst anyone's bubble here, but Cassandra isn't a female gamer. Yes I know that in the gaming world at large, gaming women are rare, but locally they're just part of the norm. That said, Cassandra (or is it: K'sandruh?) is named after a woman.Ya see...

You’re not going to sell all of your bitz are you?

No, I...uh...well...My friends who have rummaged thru this box over the years will probably be horrified by how empty it is now.Looking down at my near empty bitz box (the 'BIG BOX' as I generally refer to it), and the 6, full, gallon sized bag at my feet...well, it...

Mison Impossible…

...or rather, not impossible.Well okay, this mess was impossible...I made a list (with the above witty title) for this past weekend of my usual array of shitty pilots, and it is as follows:• Tarn Mison, R7 Astromech• Bandit Squadron Pilot (no upgrades)• Gold Squadron...