Well THAT was anti-climatic…or was it?

Well THAT was anti-climatic…or was it?

o/Those poor Orks. Even when one is offered for free, there's still hardly anyone who wants them. That or few people read thru to the end of my prior post (the most-likely case). Nonetheless, thank you for the congratulatory remarks, and of the three who left one,...
My 500th blog post!!!!

My 500th blog post!!!!

Damn!Most people I know personally will (all to frequently) say that I don't know when to shut up. Looking for new audiences, I turned to teh interwebz and by the 500th post, you'd think I'd be hard-pressed to find something to ramble on about...right?Nope.I have no...
The demise of the Black Consuls…

The demise of the Black Consuls…

o/Some ways back, Necron Bob (who no longer has Necrons nor, at this point anything 40k) sent me a message asking if I wanted an old 40k tank that needed some TLC.Sure, why not?After some scheduling issues, keeping us from meeting up, he was in town last weekend and...
Another brand of geekdom!

Another brand of geekdom!

One day a little ways back at work, my friend Ryan asked if my GF and I liked pinball. I said yes though neirther one of us could remember the last time we'd even seen, much less played a pinball game. Ryan said he had some and invited us over for (an excellent)...
And game night EXPLODES…

And game night EXPLODES…

...in ATTENDANCE!!!!lol, WOW! There were damned near, if not over 30 people at this past weekend's game night. Not only that, Hobbytown's outdoor RC track had an equal number of people out racing at night! The owners stopped by and were grinning like idiots at the...