Opus rear update

Apart from some painting (more on that in another post) I have been working on some details of the Opus.After some thinking I decided that the SAM pods should go on the back as originally planed. This meant I could finish up the platforms by adding some curved riveted...

Opus Magna, rear bolters and surface to air missiles

So, I have been slowly shipping away on the Opus build. This time around I focused a bit on the rear quarters. As I built the fighters for the Opus the Nephilim the kit came with the options of either wing mounted bolters or missiles, I went for the bolters so had the...

Opus interceptor, re-imagined

 As part of the Opus airwing I wanted to have a dedicated air superiority fighter or interceptor. I based the design of this aircraft on the Dark angels Nephilim fighter. I have previously shown this process including the tail swap I used to get the tail shorter....

Opus flight deck extension

So, an update on the work on the Opus Magna. For many years now I have been thinking about the flight deck and what I should do with it. One thing that has been bouncing around the back of my head were what to do with the crenelated sides. These comes from the landing...

Opus update

Last couple of weeks has gone by in a rush and I have not had much time to do hobby stuff. So this will be a short update. After finishing the main blocks of the Opus I have gone back and started adding internal wall, door etc to give the model some more detail when...