#BloodBowl – Orc Team – Troll

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Blood Bowl Troll - just a bit of red, silver and bone.Some minor details but I couldn't decide on the colours for the scales on the back - glossy black, or teal/blue from my TyranidsI...

#BloodBowl – Orc Team, Varag Ghoul-Chewer and Troll

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Orc Team. I've added all the silver in place and painted the green skintones after my test model.Of course I did the green skintone on my test model years back so getting it to match is...

#BloodBowl – Orc Team test model

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've got plenty of showcase posts to write up, but for now - I first built and based my Orc team [alongside the Human team] in January 2017. So, it's been over 6 years since I started them! This particular guy has been...