Here be Dragons… (v.2)

 o/Scary aren't they? No really, they are. Seriously!They even have rules that say they are...I'm sorry Zzzzz I tried, I really did. It just didn't work out. For those who aren't aware, Zzzzz is the one who named my Incandescent Coyotes chapter after seeing their...

How long does it take to build a squad of Hellblasters?

 o/Most folks would agree that it takes just a few hours, and they would be right. In my case, it also took just a few hours though said hours were delayed by 15 or so months between the time of purchase and the removal of the box's shrink wrap. Here of late...

Fun with stencils (Take 2)

o/Can't see it can you?Way, way back in 2016 I bought some stencils from Fallout Hobbies and gave 'em a try. It was kindova disaster. Clearly the stencils were intended to be used with an airbrush rather than a paint brush. Skipping forward to the present and I still...

Musou Black – An Actual Blackest Black

 As some of you may be aware, I'm on a bit of a quest to find the blackest black paint... I love working with contrasts between dark shadows and lighter highlights and like the idea of creating evil or pure darkness... void-like eyes, etc... This journey has even...

This week in camouflage…

Space marines in, in... camouflage?!?!Wut da fuk...?HERESY!! **BLAM!!!**Once again I contradict myself. What is it I almost continuously rail about in regards to 40k currently? Primaris Marines. And what is it that I painted this week? A Primaris marine....