by Orlygg Jafnakol | Aug 14, 2017
Two additional figures from the Wargames Foundry range - an older woman and a young man - note the 'pageboy' hair cut and the hairnet!A few weeks ago, I published a post about my love for the Foundry's European Bronze Age range and discussed how the 1921 discovery of...
by Orlygg Jafnakol | Aug 13, 2017
At the time of writing it is a beautiful, summer's day in England. The sky is a cloudless blue and my family duties consist of cooking the Sunday Roast. With the meat, potatoes and vegetables well at hand, I found myself with a morning to work on this unusual figure....
by Orlygg Jafnakol | Aug 10, 2017
Hello again fellow Oldhammerers! Hope you like my Khornate (why did GW stop using these excellent and atmospheric words?) beastman? I actually painted him up just before the last Oldhammer Weekend and only found the time to get him photographed today. Despite being...
by Orlygg Jafnakol | Aug 3, 2017
As you may already know, Jon Boyce got his act together and comissioned John Pickford to produce a special model for this year's event. Unlike previous years, I was determined to actually paint up this one rather than letting someone else's hard work disappear into my...
by Orlygg Jafnakol | Jul 31, 2017
Many famous Realm of Chaos era models rank up here. The vivid colours never really translated into 1980s publications and these models need to be seen with the naked eye to appreciate fully.Since my last visit to the Wargames Foundry, Bryan Ansell's incredible...