First Bust Painted

A couple of years back, I took a painting class with Banshee (Spanish painter, Alfonso Giraldes). All the students who took the class got one of his resin busts to paint up. Well, I finally got around to painting mine.Alfonso is famous in miniatures painting circles...

Painting is a 4-Letter Word Episode 5

Trying to catch up on posting audio captures of our paint night get-togethers. Episode 5 was recorded back in March. I'm building Hammerhal stuff. Ward has his AMPSA Beaver Bust out. Barry is on Blood Bowl as usual. Steve is painting a commission work. Mike has...

May’s Paint Night

Ever since last Fall, a group of Edmonton hobbyists and gamers has been meeting in my basement once a month to paint, build models and play games. These sessions have been audio captured, and are up on YouTube as the Painting is a 4-Letter Word series, here.Our...

Two Months of Odds and Ends

So...back in the middle of January, I blew out my knee. Thus began a concerted 2-month effort to walk properly and climb stairs again. Arthroscopic surgery happened at the beginning of February and physiotherapy began shortly after...just in time to be walloped with a...