A New Hobby Season – Confession of a 40K Addict

Hi All,For years I have followed Dave's from confession of the 40k addicts progress using his hobby season format.  It has seemed to be a nice motivational tool.  So when Dave a couple of weeks back put a shout to see if anyone would like to join him for the...

263: Firewarriors

(No, I'm not posting on Julafton, this just happens to be scheduled for today,Merry Christmas, God Jul, and assorted Winter Solstice greetings to you all.)In the time its taken me to change the paintscheme on these guys, the Tau have had 2 new codexes, its a testament...

262: Tomb Blades – the obligatory Decurion choice ;)

Not the most groundbreaking post, but here's the tomb blades I started about 6 months ago when the new Necron codex came out.  They are a pain to build, extremely intricate with lots of fiddly little bits that have to be put together in a very precise order....

Stormwolf Showcase – Preparation for Worcester War 4

Hi All,So after committing to the armies of the Imperium team for Worcester War 4 I worked out some lists and realised that left me some stuff to paint.  As usual I am good at painting to deadlines and so have knocked out an additional terminator, new weapon...

Hobby Objectives 2014/2015

Hi all,Doc here to set out my hobby objectives for the year and finalise my painting points for 2014.  Last year I didn't set any objectives but got 4 months into the year and realised my rate of buying was significantly outweighing my painting progress.  At...