Painting a stranger’s golden boys

 I just finished a major commission of Custodes and after finally getting rid of the gold flakes from hands and paint desk, I might just be hooked on the golden boys of 40k. I really enjoyed this commission even though it was a major pain. I never realized how...

Cherry Blossom Sylvaneth – Monday Muster

It's been awhile but I am back with a busy Monday Muster. I have been hard a work with the biggest commission I've ever had. I am painting an entire Sylvaneth army in a cherry blossom scheme.I am super excited about painting this project. I actually hadn't ever...

Long time, no see…

Yeah, it’s been over a year.Life happens and this blog was one of the first things to go on the “not right nowâ€� pile.  However...That’s not to say I haven’t been active in my hobby.  I have been.  Just not here.  I...