Kickstarters, The FTC Can See You Now!

By CaulynDarrYou can't hide foreverThe FTC came down on the creator of The Doom that Came to Atlantic City kickstarter, and they've got a warning for other creators out there using crowd funding. Here’s what you or your business can learn from this case, so that...

Gencon: The Pictures

by SandWyrmDue to a previous obligation, I was only able to attend the first two days of Gencon this year, and those were almost entirely spent playing in two Flames of War tournaments. So I didn't get to spend more than about 45 minutes wandering the vendor halls...

Kickstarter: The Gift that Keeps On Giving… Disappointment

By CaulynDarrExcept for this, this was awesome.Consider me off the Kickstarter train.  Two bits of news dropped pre-Gencon this week that pretty much invalidated all the little remaining value I still had out of two of my largest Kickstarter investments.I've...

Kickstarters, maybe not so great a thing for gamers

By CaulynDarrLong story, start reading here,Last summer when I saw that Battlefront was running a Dust Tactics Kickstarter, I went into immediate nerd rage mode.  I wrote a nice flame post on it, but deleted it before posing.  I was fairly sour mood when it...
Back on the horse!

Back on the horse!

I has been a long time since I have had motivation to really do something creative for the sake of doing.  Well I have some motivation now!  I received a Max Sterling model from Gencon in the mail thanks to a generous attendee and now I am going to rock it!...