Star Wars: Legion – A Review

Writing this review was kind of weird for me. I felt a similar pressure starting as I did when I penned my highly opinionated – albeit heavily considered – reflective on The Last Jedi. Star Wars has a tendency to polarise opinions one way or the other. The...

Where Have I Been for a Month?

Somehow it's February 6th (probably 7th by the time you read this) and this is my first post of the year. My last post was on December 27th last year which and I'm fairly confident this is my longest stretch without posting in the little blog's history.I was tasked...

Board Game Nights – Star Wars Rebellion and Scythe

Another reason I've not blogged recently is that I've also been indulging in some board games, namely Star Wars: Rebellion and Scythe. Both of which are in the top 10 on Board Game Geek and it's pretty easy to see why.Rebellion is a lopsided (or asymmetrical if you're...

Star Wars Issue 1: ‘The circle is now complete’

Although there’s still 11 months to go before The Force Awakens, the first new installment in Disneys Star Wars arrives in cinemas, there’s clearly some house keeping to be done. With the Expanded Universe established by Dark Horse comics and a plethora of...

X-Wing Expansion: Tantive IV – A Review

I was very young when I was first exposed to Star Wars. Return of the Jedi was released when I was just a year old and so I was watching the Original trilogy on VHS (kids you’ll have to Google that) from around 2/3 years old. I didn’t have that seminal,...