Stuck in it

 Thankfully the boys are pretty much 99% .. I think I'm going to do one more black pin wash but that is really it. I think they came out looking good. Gritty ... dirty ... out in that thick of it. I think the the bases match really well with the gritty look....

Digging in the Dirt

 The Recon/Tacs are almost done.. thankfully! Last night during the Hobby Hangout I pretty much worked on annoying little bits haha.. I missed a few straps which I finished up as well as an internal battle as to whether to paint the grips of the combat blades on...

Rough enough..

 It won't looks too exciting but I've been working on the rough blending on the Armor and Cloaks. Since I apply heavy weathering to them I have to exaggerate some of the blending or it will be washed away. I learned that the hard way when I blended everything...

So many pockets to fill…

 I wanted to mix it up so I figured I'd work on the Recon/Tacticals .. Holy crap.. painting 20 of these dudes is killing me! They have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many bags.. it's crazy haha... To really get all of the BPs I have to do them off of the...

WIP: Bolt Action KV-2 and Fahrgestell Bren(e)

Captured vehicles were fairly commonplace in the German army of World War Two. Whilst their own armour was sufficient and often superior, there seemed to be no harm in cherry-picking tanks from defeated armies. My Germans have been supported with the addition of some...