Unlistenable Racket vol.2 – November 2014

An incestuous month this time around, ladies and gents, with two pairs out of the four bands featured here sharing members between them. I think that sentence just about makes sense. We have the mysterious figure of Umberto releasing the latest addition to his solo...

Unlistenable Racket vol.1 – October 2014

 Hello and welcome to Unlistenable Racket. A new monthly feature where I, Gav Russell, tell you, dear reader , about a bunch of new music that you really should be listening to. For the last 4 years I ran Tight To The Nail; a metal, punk and hardcore webzine that...

Breaking Point – Set To Burn review

Nice shoes Dan. I think at one time or another almost every Straight Edge dude in the South East has done a tour of duty in Breaking Point. Such is the mercurial nature of the straight edge hardcore band, members come and go, edges crumble whilst others remain...

Insist – Manchester Straight Edge

Insist Pic by Nat Wood (cheers!) Back in the mid to late 90’s Manchester was one of the key locations in the upsurge of grass roots UKHC activity. The scene, largely centered around local Salford band Area Effect and their immediate circle of friends the MYC who...