So, what to do with a non-Primaris space marine army?

The above is just a small portion of the Lions of Harlech Chapter. I do believe that there is somewhere in the realm of 4-5 fully painted companies of them.It is a valid question as out of the blue, Kushial surprised me (stunned would be more accurate) with the gift...

Another Rainbow Warrior

o/I finished up another Rainbow Warrior and made a minor change to the original one I had painted. My complaint with that mini was that there was little contrast between the blue armor and the scavenged Dark Angels green leg armor. That and I really didn't like...

Neverness NEEDS a challenge!!!

My buddy Neverness' blog has hit the 6 year mark (approximately) and he's giving away a Space Marine painted by him! Okay, so you can get it as is but where's the fun in that, right? He's a very talented painter (art school does that to you) and as such, I think...

Another round of Kill Team Carnage

For the first time in a little over 2 months, my beloved Wolfy and I made it to game night at the FLGS. Looking to play Kill Team, we ended up with five players which is one too many for our usual combination of the old 40k Carnage scenario and Kill Team mixed...

Zac n’ Cheese!

o/Zac 'n Cheese himself!Wolfy and I got together with Mac and Zac at the FLGS to play a round of 40k's Kill team this past Saturday. Mac only plays with painted minis, so we opted to do so as well which really limited our options. Mac fielded his Red Corsairs, Zac had...