Robot Wars

Moar Nuem robots than you can shake a stick at haha Concursus 1   Concursus 2  Sagittarius 4  Tormenta 2    My copy of the new Relics rulebook also arrived today, very nice it is too with plenty of full...

Dedicated to the cause…

First of several updates on my Nuem force:    More Dolor Dedicatus and half a Paenitentiam unit, next update will include a LOT of Robots haha

Tor Gaming Expo done and dusted!

Yesterday was the Tor Gaming Expo at Tabletop Nation, and many eager gamers turned up bright and early for opening and setting up. The tables were all laid out and Gav setup the studio minis and trophies for display:    Game 1 was against...

More Nuem!

Well one at least, a third Specialis Pueri, this will round my army out to 600pts when the rest of the kickstarter goodies come in a few months.Im seriously tempted to add another unit of paenitentiam or two to my collection as jammers for large games a bit later one....

Relics updates

The first of my kickstarter goodies arrived yesterday!Moar Sagittarius! Thats my 400pts painted for the expo in May... the rest of my stuff is still being sculpted so this is it until a cheeky Pueri comes from Trolltrader in a week or so.In other news, ive finally...