Relics reinforcements Kickstarter

Tor's Kick starter went online this morning and has passed the £2000 mark which is great going so far! It only needs another £1000 to reach funding then the stretch goals can start to be unlocked!Gav has a new video up showing a lot of the artwork for the concepts,...

Nasty little Relics!

My last few nuem for Relics are finished up:Sagittarius 2 Paenitentiam 2    Bar two more Dedicatus to make a unit of Metus Dedicatus, that's the army done till the kickstarter campaign is funded!  Next up from me is my entry for...

Relics Kickstarter Preview

Early next week, Tor Gaming will be introducing a new kickstarter campaign for their game system Relics. Relics, as ive recently discovered is a brilliant game with a unique setting as the worlds first 'stitchpunk' wargame! The models are awesome, and the rules are...

Grabbed by the short and deadlies

Bit of a Nuem update, ive been busy toiling over these the last couple of days, just a few more to go over the week:   Specialis Pueri 2   Dolor Dedicatius 2    Auxillum Sagitarius 1    Tormenta...

Dead eyes…

Several years ago i painted up a rather large Kings of War Undead army, 3500pts at the time, in only 5 days... it was far from my best work, but all ranked up it looks quite evoactive on the table!It has been featured on Mantics Blog before, and i use it to demo KoW...