Reanimate this!

Quick one today, just one of the new Reanimator Troop Ships for my Bone Griffons. Also, i played my first game of Relics last night at Tabletop Nation in Hockley, against Steve and Martin from JAG (JustAboutGames). It was a hilarious bout of epic failure on my...

Happy New Years!

One last post up for 2012, happy new years to everyone who reads and follows my blog!Its been manic over the xmas period, i havent picked up a brush since my last post, i asked my girlfriend to marry me and she said yes, but we were in and out of hospital and the...

Blogging Update and 2013 Gaming Plan

A couple of little changes to this blog at the moment. First off, there has been a HUGE amount of Spam comments (10-15 a day) so I'm afraid I have had to turn on picture validation for comments. I know this may put some people off commenting but I hope you can...

Relics Britanan Fantasy Football Team on Kickstarter!

Do you like the 'Stitchpunk' look of the Relics Britanans? Do you like Fantsay Football? Well, they have been mixed! The Kickstarter Project for these can be found HERE Below I have reposted some of the info from the KS page \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ UPDATE: The first...

A World of Paena and Dedication

Today i found time to take part in a warmachine doubles tourney at the bunker, first outings for the skorne and i bagged myself a Judicator kill by the bronzeback hahaha.I have also finished my Nuem starter box this evening: Paenitentium Unit Dolor...