Pictures from the Horus Heresy Weekender May 2014

The first day of the two-day Horus Heresy Weekender in Nottingham has come and gone. Here are some of the pictures taken at the event. Given that this is about the Horus Heresy, there are surprisingly few Space Marines in the mix. #1 – Mortarion, Primarch of the...

Glimpses of Mortarion from Forge World

The Horus Heresy Weekender in Nottingham is on the way (I believe). One of the highlights of the event is clearly the next Primarch miniature from Forge World – Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard, the Death Lord. Aside from the official teaser-picture...

Forge World Pics – Imperial Knight Lancer & Tyranids!

Forge World Open Day is up and running. A few attendants are sending pictures, among them the first shots of Forge World’s Imperial Knight Lancer and a new Tyranid Monster. Credit for these pictures goes to, who are sharing stuff via their Facebook...

Building A Revenant Part 1 :/

Hopefully when I am done mine will look this good assembled... I purchased a Revenant Titan off eBay about a month ago.  It was a real steal, the guy sold it for under $100.  I was leery of it being a recast due to the price but he was from the States and seemed to be...

Guild Ball – Interview with Mat Hart

Guild Ball came – seemingly – out of nowhere to enter the crowded field of miniature sports games with a bang. The Guild Ball Facebook page appeared a while ago, with lots of fantastic artwork and in-depth posts about designing a the world and the game of...