Dreadtober WiP and Tabletop World Townhouse 2

The Dreadtober project kicks off with a theme... Something old and something new! For the "Old" I decided to dig into the backlog of GW minis that I seem to have neglected lately... but still build something with relevance to my current projects...  Behold...

Astartes of charity marine, and a chaos havoc

A couple of new painted miniatures. The first one is for the Astartes of Charity fundraiser for Cancer Research, which I had the pleasure of contributing toward along with 99 others.This guy's been kicking around for a while and I finally got around to finishing...

Review: Blood and Skulls Industry Oppressor Tracks 00

Any self-respecting Chaos Space Marine player knows that spikes are a key visual theme to the army. Spike racks, spiked shoulder-pads, spiked trim, everything is pointy. But what if you want a more subtle way of displaying the theme on your tanks, without resorting to...
Terrain – Cargo Containers

Terrain – Cargo Containers

Our local gaming group started an escalation style campaign based on the book Death World by Steve Lyons. In order to bring the game to life I began making some custom terrain. One of the things I knew I would want was a ton of cargo containers. To begin I made...