Back in business // Volvi

Bueno, resulta que estuve con unos meses bastante ajetreados: mucho laburo, una nueva niña en la casa ha nacido, estudios, y estuve un poco parado en el hobby. Ahora que pude recomponerme, vuelvo al blog. No es bueno colgar tanto tiempo, pero lo bueno es que vuelvo...
Russian Alternative Dwarf Heroe

Russian Alternative Dwarf Heroe

I have this miniature finished since long time ago, but I forgot every week to post it, here is the dwarf heroe from Russian Alternative finished:Tengo este Heroe Enano de Russian Alternative terminado hace muuucho pero me olvido de postear las imágenes. El loco es...
Ork Girlz Russian Alternative (Painted)

Ork Girlz Russian Alternative (Painted)

Well some months ago I had done an unboxing of the Dwarf Hero and the Furious Ork Girlz from Russian Alternative. Here are the girls painted by Berto for the blog. The miniatures are highly detailed, and are asking you to paint them. I recommend them for the Fantasy...