mummm plasma

Its been awhile since I've posted. Life has gotten in the way of minis but time is slowly becoming more manageable. I've wanted these guys for awhile as a bit heavier punch for the Primaris marines. While the marines are cool I'm not sure I like the way the muzzles...

Salamanders Primaris Intercessor Sergeant

o/Yup, my XVIIIth legion 30k army just got it's first primaris marine! the Blackshields, my Salamanders will be pulling double duty as well. Hell, also like the Blackshields, they're more likely to see action in a game of 40k than they are in 30k...

Not much paintin’ but some buildin’ at least…

o/Rather than (*try to*) paint a horde of 30k Salamaders, get bored, and sell 'em off ala my 30k Alpha Legion army, I decided to mix it up a bit and just do a horde of loyalist Istvaan survivors. WHICH...adds in the option of Maybe...

2nd hand vehicle woes…

o/Overcompensating much?Prior to Christmas I picked up a 3rd party Big Momma space marine vindicator for barely more than the price of the conversion kit (plus the shipping cost). Basically the attached rhino hull clocked in at a mere $3, awesome right? Yeah not so...