Gene Therapy – Leaving the Legion

When I first created this blog, it was designed to be a collection of articles that allowed me to share my progress across three game systems - Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k and Hordes (specifically Legion of Everblight).  Since that time, much has occurred and I...

Horus Heresy Review: Lord Chaplain Nomus Rhy’tan

This marine is a HQ choice for the Salamanders legion. He was one of the first generation chaplains of his legion and spread the "Voice of Fire" everywhere he went, becoming one of Vulkan's most trusted at the same time. The interesting aspect here, is that in the...

Horus Heresy Review: Cassian Dracos

This is an HQ dreadnought for the Salamanders. What stands out about him is his Vulkan-wrought armour. Not only does it feature an incredible AV14 on the front (let me say that again: AV14 on the front!), but he gets a slew of bonus rules on top of that. He can choose...

Salamander Update – First Heresy Marines done

Hey howdy all! I'm back again, though at this point, it's kinda getting to be a somewhat regular occurrence.  Perhaps this is a positive sign for things to come?  Let's hope so, because at this stage, I've got some painting progress to show you and...

Horus Heresy Review: Vulkan

The primarch of the Slamanders, Vulkan is a force to be reckoned with both in terms of the background materials, and in terms of the actual rules. Firstly, he's an army force multiplier, supplying bonus leadership and adamantium will to all his sons in the same...