Horus Heresy Review: Firedrake Terminator Squad

Discipline and self-sacrifice - these are the qualities that make up the elite of the most humane of the legions. In essence, the Firedrakes are terminators with 2 wounds each, a bonus to WS, and all in cataphractii armour.  The question to my mind is whether this...

Horus Heresy Review: Pyroclast Squad.

These are the Salamanders vision for a better, more ethical, legion destroyer squad. In some ways a little bit like the Word Bearers, their thinking here is to sear the world in purifying flame. But this is not being driven by any religious viewpoint. They are...

Horus Heresy Review: Salamanders Legion Rules

Honour with honest toil, Master forge-men, and duty. The Salamanders are almost the polar opposite to the likes of the Night Lords in many respects. And added to this is their terrifying visage. In the older literature, the Salamanders are pictured as largely African...

Campaign Update – The Desolation of Epsilon 19 continues

Pic blatantly thieved from the good people of Chimera Nottinghamhttp://chimeraccg.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/warhammer-40k-campaign-tuesdays-ripley.htmlAs I briefly mentioned in the last article, I started a small 40K campaign during December last year called the...

Hobby Update – Mandatory New Year’s post incoming

So as I sit here, I'm perusing my blog feed, catching up on the adventures and progression of a myraid of projects / undertakings from a vast swathe of gamers, painters and all-round awesome people and in the process I'm reading my fair share of 'New...