Salamanders:Sternguard Veteran Squad (30% complete)

With the third Tactical Squad done, I only need a second SternGuard Veteran Squad of Salamanders to consider my army complete, so I painted 3 more Sternguard veterans - this time with bolters - to boost my current sternguard pool of models for extra versatility. After...

Salamander Update – Sternguard WIP

Since I last wrote about my painting progress, my latest addition to my Sternguard was as you see above.  Since then, he's progressed in leaps and bounds to the point where I can do no more for him until I can secure more Deathwatch shoulderpads.  While this is...

Campaign Update – Going Apocalyptic

Last weekend saw the Cities of Death campaign I ran for my local gaming group come to a resounding conclusion.  In a final attempt to wrest control of Vogen from the Forces of Disorder, the Salamanders led an armoured assault comprised of several Space Marine...

Salamanders : The Third Tactical Squad!

Finishing a squad leaves a really satisfying feeling.That's why I am really glad that today I finished the 3rd Tactical Squad for my Salamanders. I payed some extra attention to the basing work, especially to these last models. Now, I only need to finish some details...

Salamander Update – Preparing for the Apocalypse

This last week has been pretty much consumed by assembling miniatures for the upcoming Apocalypse game to round out the Vogen Campaign that I've been running for the past 3 months.  This has meant a great deal of time has been allocated towards getting the...