Another Fleeting Rainbow Warriors appearance…

o/My right flank. All 3 of these marines (there's one far forward on the left, out of focus and in terrain) died quickly to enemy fire.Welp, just in case anyone was wondering if any 'progress' has been made: Nope, I still kinda suck at playing Kill Team. A target...

Another Fleeting Rainbow Warriors appearance…

o/My right flank. All 3 of these marines (there's one far forward on the left, out of focus and in terrain) died quickly to enemy fire.Welp, just in case anyone was wondering if any 'progress' has been made: Nope, I still kinda suck at playing Kill Team. A target...

Relictors Kill Team Debut

o/The Tau were remarkably resilient in HTH...must've been the additional,ablative layer of paint. My Relictors really need some of that!I managed to get a game in at the FLGS Saturday, and was having so much fun that photos were more or less an afterthought. As such...

Munitorum Container WIP 4

Yes, prior generations of my family include dairy farmers, why do you ask?The majority of my recent hobby time was spent fiddling around with new acquisitions, and adding caution stripes to the ramps/doors of the container. The latter required about 3 coats each per...


o/Lacking Fireworks, the Hive Mind instead brings tooth and talon to every occasion...My Silver Drakes decided to ring in the new year in the God-Emperor-approved way: Glorious Combat! The FLGS hosted a holiday gaming session, and luckily I was able to attend. With...