Special Ammunition

6 months ago I took a leave of absence. My life was getting very complicated and things were reaching a critical mass that would have seen, amongst other things, myself explode like a poodle in a microwave. Things are much better. Still complicated but I am happier....

Salute: The boys first trip!

Yesterday was Salute, that magical day in the calendar for gamers when they get to wander round a big hall playing games and buying all kinds of new shiny to add to the lead pile haha. This year was a bit different for me as I was taking Jacob rather than demoing!We...

Orlygg (and Stuart Klatcheff) @ Salute 2015

I didn't see much of the historical stuff this year, but the archer free mini was nice in our welcome packs.Like many in the toy soldier world, I was at Salute today. I am sure the blogosphere will be alight soon with tales galore of the day and plenty of pictures of...

Warmonger Miniatures and Salute 2015

I like to keep a keen eye out on social media for things that readers of this blog would appreciate. And this is most definitely an image that Oldhammer fans are going to want to see - Bryan Ansell and Kev Adams working together on the Warmonger project!The other chap...