Bushido: Ito Commission continues

Another week and very little time, but today we are nearing the end of the journey on the project:Taisei and YuuiOkyo Ashigarus and TakejiSaburo and The Child of OrochiYatsumata and Kano (Completed by me to match existing warbands)These just leave two Shimogama Vipers...
Savage Wave: Moar Bakemono!

Savage Wave: Moar Bakemono!

Its been a long time since ive added to my Savage Wave demo force, but here's a small addition in some extra Bakemono:   These little blighters allow me to use the 4th profile card that comes with the starter box, and a spare to replace lost or damaged...

Savage Wave: Bobata

The last of my current collection of Bushido minis, Bobata the Bell Ringer: More will be purchased soon have no fear hehe

Savage Wave Starter Set Part 2

An epic days painting, really got through the Bakemono quickly!  They are funny looking little things but they were good to paint up and look nice on the table. Next up will be the Temple set, but i hope to add to these with some toys at Salute tomorrow :-D

The Savage Wave Starter Set Part 1

As i mentioned on a previous post, i am now a Retainer for GCT, so i needed to pick up some more factions to use! I went with the savage wave and temple of rokan starter sets to begin with, and then i will expand upon them over time.First up is Zuba from the Savage...