Heading out to sea…

So, you have been waiting to see what this secret project is all about.Well, this was a Christmas gift from my Brother-in-Law, who knew that I wanted to attempt some waterline model ship dioramas.  I had also discussed with him my dilemmas over the various scale...

++ Well, It’s E-bay Time! ++

well Buddies,The long overdue time has come for me to down-size my Warhammer collection... substantially. I will be posting stuff on there all week/month long so check back and I'll remind everyone here as well...So check here for my ebay listings:...

++ Girls and Robots!!! the miniature variety ++

Hello Every-buddy, Long time no talk, eh? Well a lot has been on ol' Duder's mind lately (maybe more about that soon), and I thought maybe I'd share some hobby with you all... Actually these are pretty old pictures but I felt like I need to get them...