Tomb Raiders (6)

Hi guys,finally!The damn cold had me longer in its fangs than I ever expected plus there's some family stuff I have to sort out, regarding the "seriousness" of the hobby.But at least the Tomb Raiders diorama is picking up speed again.As mentioned, the Dutch postal...

Tomb Raiders (4)

Hi all,well as expected I did get a cold, and it hampered progress quite strong.Nevertheless I dis make some progress.It seems like the newest version of Disqus is preventing some of you to comment directly and so I have received a lot of feedback via email, or in the...

Tomb Raiders (3)

Thank you Ray :)Looks as if I'm catching a cold, so despite having my first real hobby evening in over a week I got relatively little done :(I started off with placing a lot of rubble on the base.Which also enabled me to position the Apothecary Brother Chelnov higher,...

Tomb Raiders (2)

Hi all,the last week was very busy at work plus a lot of private things to do, so work on the Tomb Raiders diorama was very slow.While building I thought a bit about the fluff behind the scene and couldn't really get anything useful with Tyranids. So I changed the...

Tomb Raider (1) and Temple Bases

Hi guys,thanks for your feedback.So it looks as if the PONOS and AKTROS would be worth getting produced.Still details to be settled, but I'm sure we'll get that squared away and I can start building the new masters for both models.In the meantime I started with the...