3D Prints Skiff and an Airport baggage moving vehicle

My painting subjects remain uniformly chaotic so today will feature the Prime Mover for an Airport Baggage Handler Vehicle.This printed as six parts: Hull, undercarriage, and wheels (x4).  probably about three hours of print time total but I've been really...

Void Elf Hunters WiP and Dark Souls the Board Game WiP

Happy New Year!I'm looking forward to working on loads of new projects this year and I hope you are too!First up, from Dark Souls the Board Game we have the assembled cast of Player Characters.The players can select The Knight, The Warrior, The Herald, or The...

Harry the Baby Hippo on steroids and A Tale of Two Ravens WiP

 Raging Heroes makes beautiful stuff!Of course it is tiny... as a friend of mine recently said... "These things are smaller than your thumb!"But that isn't always the case.During the Toughest Girls in the Galaxy I (TGG1) Kickstarter several models, primarily the...

Aleksandr Kurganov, Krell, and the most disturbing gnome…

 Aleksandr Kurganov, Chief Commander of the KST.  This is a massive, and heavy, model.  I chose the metal version for this one and it plunks down on the tabletop with authoriTAY!Shown with a Nurgle Terminator and Assault Marine for comparison.  I...

Kurganova Yaga Coven

 Baba Yaga and Arushka join Shashenka and Tarja to complete the Yaga coven.I finished Shasenka and Tarja a while back so I'm really excited to finish these two and complete my Elemental Coven.  Mind you the Elemental Coven is a construct for the campaign at...