The Road to Cally

The Caledonian Uprising is one of the most competitive tournaments in the UK Calendar. Traditionally it’s also one of the biggest. This year it has 180 people registered. I don’t think there are any other tournaments in the UK that will exceed this. It's held in...
OH EP 65 – Nagash Part 2!

OH EP 65 – Nagash Part 2!

Hello, Hello, Hello – Long time no post my friends! That’s right, the Basement is complete and life can get back to normal as far as editing and podcasting. This Episode which focuses on Nagash part 2 is hosted by Andrew, Rob, and Ian. It was recorded some...
Adepticon Fever!

Adepticon Fever!

Registration day is upon us! If you haven't registered already, it's not too late (for some things). The event runs March 19th - March 22nd and is taking place at a brand new venue. I was lucky enough to score a VIG Badge, which I am very excited about (even if I...
The Scottish Masters: A Look Behind the Curtain

The Scottish Masters: A Look Behind the Curtain

Hey guys!We update from me, super busy. Like really busy! Anyway below is an article from one of the organisers of the Scottish Masters & The Captain of the Scottish ETC team, James Esland. James was one of the main writers of the scenarios and pack and he wanted...
XP 82- Adepticon Warhammer Fantasy Events with Alex Gonzales

XP 82- Adepticon Warhammer Fantasy Events with Alex Gonzales

Today Andrew gets the opportunity to sit down with Alex Gonzales to talk Warhammer Fantasy Championships at Adepticon! He gives us insight as to what we can expect to see for schedules and the upcoming tournament pack. For more info check Also Check...