ScotComp Pack and The Falkirk Free For All.

ScotComp Pack and The Falkirk Free For All.

As always Australians really do make better Scots (See dwellers below)Well with that Stereotype done and out in the open, lets get down to it: ScotComp The ScotComp PackSo at the end of February I will be attending my first 2 day tournament at the Falkirk Free...
XP 53 – Top 5 Under appreciated Spells!

XP 53 – Top 5 Under appreciated Spells!

Today Andrew gives his Top 5 under appreciated spells in the WHFB BrB!     Also Check out our event OH-Con!                 Remember to join us on our new forums

Preferred Enemy Take 2

Thanks to Sam for pointing out the error in my last list (need to make Khan the Warlord to give the bikes Scout). It has made me think again about whether he’s worth it. I’ve hummed and hawed (good Scottish expression!), and I’ve decided not to. I want to see if the...

Tournament Report: Disciples of Twilight @ 1,500

This past Saturday was a 1,500 40K tournament. I decided to try something different and bring along a Khorne heavy force. The list is here but bear in mind it was built for fun, not optimized competitive play. I wanted to get a Land Raider in my list to check...Read...