Clan Wars Tournament Report

Just back from Clan Wars, great tournament at a fantastic new facility in Stirling, Scotland (Common Ground Gaming). Five very varied games against cool opponents. New Tau’s second tournament.Although it wasn’t a big field (about 20 or so people) Competition was...

Skcuzz is back at last (with added Ravenwing)

Originally Posted on Skuzzlebumm's Skcuttlebutt It's been over 6 months since I last posted on this or my own blog, and in that time a lot of people have messaged me to ask what has happened? Well to cut a long story short the past 6 months has been one hell of a...

Tournament – Warmahordes Steamroller Doubles 2013

Hi boys and girls, well it was a long Saturday at the doubles Warmahordes tournament. I would firstly like to say how smoothly the day went, I have been to a lot of tournaments over the years, and this was my first Warmachine event, but it will not be my last.The...