Learning Points from Games of War Tourni.

So what did I learn at this tournament?·         Ethereals are amazing! The leadership buff, 3 pretty useful warlord traits, and above all Storm of Fire … for 50 points..! Buttoned up in his D’fish he survived every game. Also...

Games of War Summer Tournament

Just back from the Games of War Summer Tournament. As always, I had a blast. Of more interest, it was New Tau’s first Tournament…. could be very interesting.The tournament is 1750pts on day one, and 2000pts on day 2. Here are the lists I tookThe 1750pt one...

Legion of Everblight on the move!!

It's been a while, but finally I have found the time to add to Martoks excellent work.There is a Warmachine & Hordes tournament coming up at the end of June, the perfect motivation to get my 35 point force painted and ready to destroy all before it in the name of...

Showcase: Thousand Sons Squad

The space marines walked down the vast hall in perfect unison in an even square of nine, no step was even a micro-second out of sync. Their movements were almost robotic, but had a certain life and humanity to them. The planetary governor stood...