3/10/13: Lost Souls 2013 Terrain, Blood Bowl, and General Painting!

Hey guys!WOW. Almost two weeks? I’m ashamed! I never let my post count get past this point, at least we’ve got a lot to cover this time!Alrighty! Where to start! First off, ended up going home for a couple days to see the fam and spend time with the girlfriend and let...

Battle for Stones River: Photos

Hey all, just wanted to share a few photos from the tournament. My camera isn't the best for this sort of thing, but I think you can make them out well enough.             Thanks all for making this year...

Xtra Points Episode 16 – Jeff Parkhurst and Buckeye Battles

Today Andrew is joined by Buckeye Battles TO Jeff Parkhurst. They discuss July 2013′s upcoming 100 player event Buckeye Battles. This premier event is a 2 day 5 game event held in Columbus Ohio and is known for its friendly atmosphere.   For more...
Dok’s BAO

Dok’s BAO

Hello everyone, as you may or may not know last week was the Bay Area Open in Antioch, CA. This is the big tournament for us around here as it's run by cool people that we know and is generally pretty straightforward in it's missions and rules of play. (Also,...

Top 4 Indy Open Lists!!!

By SpaguatyrineSo the top 4 lists and players are detailed below...1st Place and Best General going 7-0Brett Perkins-AKA Tombking on DakkaDakka(THE UGLY MISFITS) Necrons/CSMHQ: 1 Destroyer Lord, 160 pts = (Sempiternal Weave + Mindshackle Scarabs) Troops: 5 Warriors,...