WIP: Death Guard Plague Marines

Hey all, back again to show a couple of things I've been working on. There have been rumors and speculation that a few of us here at the Istvaanians will be doing another Tale of Gamers style league soon to get our armies done and some games in. My army of choice at...

Battle for Stones River: Photos

Hey all, just wanted to share a few photos from the tournament. My camera isn't the best for this sort of thing, but I think you can make them out well enough.             Thanks all for making this year...

Terraforming: Underhive!

Blast from the Past!So L0rdM0nki and I (and two inquisitorial henchmen) are looking to get a Necromunda campaign going in the near future. We've all played since the beginning-- 1995 to be exact (I looked it up. Now I feel old. Ah well.). We've played here and there...

Blast from the Past: Typhus conversion; TLAC/ML Hellbrute

Hey all, just a quick post here to show you what I've been messing with lately. First up is a Typhus conversion based on the RT era Chaos Lord model. It's a bit small now, but I've always liked it. The arms are from the plastic chaos lord kit-- the scythe is the...

Black Legion test paint

Hey all, back again with a quick update. Over the weekend I tried a test paint scheme for my new improved Black Legion. As everyone probably knows, black is easy to paint but hard to paint well. I personally don't care for the extreme edge highlight techniques you...