Meat for Meta: Bad Battlefoam Practices

“I worshipped money so much that it ruined my life. money is not my god. I just want to manage His money for Him, for the poor people, the lost kids. I just love everybody.” --Brian Welch Continue reading →

Battle for Stones River 2013 Results

Ladies and Gentlemen,First let me start by saying a BIG thank you to everyone for making this one of the best years yet!  We had 81 players for four rounds of 40K madness.  That was 164 games of 40K in just 10 hours.  I hope everyone had a great day and...

Games of War Spring Tourney

At the weekend I was at the Games of War Spring Tournament. The tradition at this one is there are 2 lists – 1750pts on the Saturday and 2000pts on the Sunday. Usually I simply add some units to my 1750 list to make it up to 2000, however, as long as the primary...
Armies of the BAO 2013

Armies of the BAO 2013

Every year, I like to cruise around and get some pics of all the awesome stuff that people bring out to the Bay Area Open. Here's a look at some of the cool armies from this year.Note: I will have my opinions of the event and a recap of how it went for me a little...

Team Tournament Game 2

Our first game was a loss, but it was a close game against fun opponents so we were still in good spirits. We met up with our next set of opponents, playing Space Wolves and Chaos Space Marines.Space WolvesRune Priest w/ Divination10 Grey Hunters w/ 2 plasma guns10...