Games o War Bat Reps Part 1

Game oneAgainst Dark Eldar….oh dear! Can’t remember exactly, but something like a Venom with trueborn, one with Incubi, 2 raiders with warriors, one with witches, a Ravager, and one of the flyers – can’t remember which one. Mission was Big Guns with 5 objectives.My...

Games of War Tourni

Just back from the Games of War Tournament run by Sir67. Little Geek and I had a blast. I always enjoy these tournaments, they’re challenging, without being too “hard core”, friendly, and usually pull in a variety of armies. It also gives Little Geek and I time for...

Games of War Tourney Report

This weekend saw Games of War host its’ Winter tournament, ran by yours truly. This was my first tournament as organiser. Previously the tourneys had been ran by Sean Griffis and were always a great success. Due to Sean expanding his family (congratulations by the way...

Rolling Less Than 10 on 3D6 and Other Stories

Parasite of MortrexA BLOG WARS 4 TALEStrap yourselves in readers and grab some popcorn, this is a long one and it’s going to get emotional!This weekend saw Blog Wars 4 take place at the Eye of the Storm venue in Mansfield (part of the Maunsfeld Games store)....

Slaanesh: Observations from the Weekend

Played at a small tournament - well, ran a small tournament, and played to fill in the odd number spot - with my Slaanesh CSM/Daemons army, and I'm pretty satisfied with the results. I ended up going 2-1, with wins against Khorne CSM and Nurgle CSM, and a loss against...