WinterWar Battle Reports

Brian's WoCSo as my computer is still dying a slow painful death this post has been majorly delayed! I had intended to make this 3 posts but with having to squeeze writing this into gym sessions on the cross trainer I am going to do quick summaries of the...
To BAO or not to BAO?

To BAO or not to BAO?

That is the question...I have gone to this tournament in it's first two years and had a hell of a good time both years. I have finished highly in every event I have played there, but have not been able to place with a prize. (Bragging rights only go so far, haha) I...

Hammer in the New Year Tournament

Good news, everyone!I'm running a 40k tournament to ring in 2013 called "Hammer in the New Year". This will be my first time putting on a tournament and I'm very excited to do it. When I floated the idea, I wasn't sure if there would be a big enough response, but my...

Thoughts on the Tournament

This was my first real 6thed tournament, and my first one where Forge World units were allowed. If I’m honest I’m not sure I really enjoyed the gaming. The game against guard I found intensely frustrating, and the first Tyranid game likewise. Having no real counter to...

GT Heat Report Part 2

Game 4Tyranids. 2 winged Tyrants, 2 Harpy’s, 2 Tervigaunts, 6 Hive Guard and loads of gaunts. Hammer and Anvil, Emperor’s will.In 5thI never lost to Tyranids. The weight of high strength low AP fire just killed them before they got anywhere near my gunline. Oh how...