And I’m off…

With a matter of hours, I will be embarking to my first 6th edition tournament: the Da Boyz GT.  I am pretty excited.  I can't wait to rock out my new army and see if bikes can stand up in this ever changing crazy world of 40k.  Tomorrow (Friday...

GT List 1850pts

I’ve been thinking long and hard about the list I want to take to the GT in 2 weeks time. To recap, Forge World is allowed, and it’s at 1850pts. I want to take Tau with Ork alliesThe List I’m thinking about isHQShasel XV81 – Smart Missile System, Plasma Rifle, Fusion...

Throne of Skulls 2012 Recap, and ZOMBIES!

Thought I'd finally post the pictures of the October 2012 Thone of Skulls we attended a couple of weeks ago.Unfortunately quite a few haven't come out great so I've left them out, fuzzy pics are no fun for anyone and don't do some of the great armies justice. I...

So I Almost Won Throne of Skulls…Or Not

I'm a glamorous chap huh?? Two weeks ago two friends and I returned to Throne of Skulls at Warhammer World.Between us we ere equipped with Grey Knights (Draigowing) IG (mixed) and Angels Sanguine/Guard ally (me). My list:ReclusiarchSang Priest5 DC, power fistDC Dread,...

Biker Army’s First Tournament

Yet another great tournament at the weekend. Six games over 2 days is exhausting, but there were a lot of people I knew, it was a pretty relaxed tournament and it was fun.Usual format, some brief battle reports, and an analysis on how the list performed.Game 1Seize...