Rapid Fire 1850 Tournament

Next Tournament is at the end of the month. No allies and no fortifications – so I think I’ll take my bikes. Here’s the listHQCaptain on a bike with artificer armour, a lightening claw and a power fistCommand squad....

Blog Wars 4 – Tyranid Test List (1)

With a little over a month until Blog Wars 2 I'm about to test the next iteration of my Tyranid list containing the compulsory Special/Unique Character.HQTyranid Prime w. 2x Bone Swords, Deathspitter, RegenerationELITEDoom of Malan'tai w. Spore Pod3x Hive Guard3x...

Loaded Dice. Are you kidding me?

I don't get to play 40k as often as I would like to. I have a job that has a bit of responsibility and pressure, a lengthy commute, and two little girls. It's a total privilege to get to throw some dice down and push around my favorite painted army men and aliens. I...

Open War 18 – Flight of the Tyranids

Last weekend was the 1st Company Veterans Club's twice annual tournament - Open War. It's held in Maelstrom Games in Mansfield and this is the 6th consecutive one I've attended, but my first with Tyranids.I took the following:Flying Hive Tyrant w. 2x TL Devourers...

Prospective Blog Wars 4 Lists

 Inspired by Alex talking about his army for Blog Wars 4 I thought I’d discuss my prospective Blog Wars 4 lists.For those of you who didn’t know Blog Wars 4 is a Warhammer 40,000 tournament ran by Alex, author of the From the Fang blog. It uses the full 6th ed...