First 6th ed Tournament

I’ve decided on my list for the tournament on 7th October. I’m going with ork allies. I tried to work something out with the bikes but it just wasn’t working.Here’s the list.HQShasel, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Multitracker, HW Black Sun Filter, HW Drone...

Another 2000 pt Purge the Alien Tournament

So, this past Saturday, we had yet another 2000 pt Purge the Alien tournament.  I came in third overall, but I think the list that I brought had the potential to rank higher.  Alas, the dice gods left me in game 2, and I had to settle for third.  Still,...

Midwest Massacre Part 3: The Lessons Learned

So, what lessons did I take away from the Midwest Massacre, especially as regards my Tau? Aegis Defense Lines are a must-have right now: Easily one-third of all armies at the tournament were running Aegis Defense Lines, and I can't say I blame them. Between the extra...

Midwest Massacre Part 1: Preparations Complete

Friday night, I finished up my painting for the Midwest Massacre, and here's how everything came out. The basing is a bit rudimentary, and not all the details are done, but the minis themselves are at a decent tabletop standard. For a week and a half's worth of...

Update and new 2000 point Dark Angels list

So, it has been a little while since my last update.  But quite a bit has happened since my last post.  Perhaps most significantly, I played in a local 2000 point tournament.So, overall, the tournament was really small and I ended up really just playing two...