Jolly Toys Beginning

Hi all,I am currently sitting in Bugmans Bar after my first game against a Draigo-wing Paladin list which I just barely lost to. I would have won 20 - 5 (max points) if his damn Paladins had not made so many invuln saves, even one more failed would have turned it. As...

Its that time of the year…

With the tournaments going wild worldwide, we should not be surprised that Greece, has too been creeping up in the player base of wargaming. Where as several years ago you might of have never heard of Genocide Chronicles or the ICT, now its a decently common referance...

Battle for Stones River 2012 Scenarios!

Alright, as promised and as in the past, we are releasing six different scenarios of which four will be used at the tournament.  We want people to be able to run through the scenarios once or twice, so if there is something you don't understand or doesn't make...

This Week: 1500 Tourament!

So apparently the 3rd weekend of the month is tournament weekend at Comic Asylum. I went, I conquered somewhat, it was fun. As far as armies, there were Blood Angels, Grey Knights, Space Wolves, Chaos Marines, Chaos Demons, Necrons, Vanilla Marines, and Eldar that I...