Cowcon 2011 Report

So I headed back up to Rockhampton to catch up with friends and get in some games in the event that I used to run.  I had decided to take my Sisters as they took up less room in the car than the large Eldar case and so would be easier to transport along with a my...

The Longest Day 2011

No need to beat around the bush, I went 1win to 3 losses. Not overly phased by that to be honest, simply because I was there for the games rather than having any expectations of winning. Apologies for the lack of pictures, but I will get some up asap. Edit:...

The Times They Are A Changin…

Is this the new face of 40k?Sorry for the long delay, but now we are back on track. I finally got some games in, and actually have some 40k stuff to talk about. Anyway, on to the good stuff!Over the last couple of days, and the last few games, The Grizz may have come...

Games went eh

So I took my 1850 list to the Games 2 Die 4 tournament, there were around 10 people there, even one of the bloomington crowd. My first match up was against Dodger13 and his deamons. He is definitely top tier player and I've always had trouble against deamons so I was...

Team Tournament results

So a little late, but considering it was the day before I left for Europe, and my internet access is a little hit and miss. So Team tournament....Ya that didn't go as well as I had hoped. Between busy schedules, drops and swaps, we didn't have a concrete team roster...