Dueler’s Point 2v2

Jason (also known as Ripperling on this blog) and I signed up and took part in a 2v2 Tournament at Dueler's Point. It's a 1,000 point event that pits 2 players against another 2 but in 2 separate games over a 4x4 table. After a few weeks of tweaking my list from...

New Blog- UK 40k Tournaments

Today I wanted to introduce you to a new venture that I have decided to embark upon, a blog called UK 40k Tournaments. I frequently get asked where I find out about the tournaments that I attend and write about on the blog. Most of these come from Facebook or...

Uxbridge 40k Tournament- Best Army Photos

There were some fantastic armies at the recent Uxbridge tournament. Here are some photos of the armies that were nominated for Best Painted Army, as well as some other pictures that I took during the day.As you may know, I love a good custom objective marker, so these...