Dominance: The Results

The Dominance tournament has been and gone, and what a fantastic day it was. There was a nice mix of lists and a friendly atmosphere amongst the competitors. Those who read my post the other week will know I took an 1850pts Thousand Sons force, with he aim of having a...

GREX Combat Carnival

Gamersaurus Rex organized a newbie friendly event at 1000 points and I threw in my hat to support them. Originally I had planned to bring another list which contained some Genestealers but ended up scrapping the idea when Leon thrashed me convincingly. Looked...

Dueller’s Point Games Day 2017

A bunch of us at ABO attended a recent Games Day that was organized by Leon and Dueller's Point. This was a 1000 point friendly event that encouraged efficient lists but not too spammy. Considering I haven't played too much 40k 8th Edition till this point, I went with...

Rapid Fire Tournament report

Just back from Rapid Fire 2017, one of the longest running tournaments in Scotland, and one of the first tournaments I every went to about 10 years ago. Number were a little down at this event, but it was v2.0 of the event, the “main” Rapid Fire having taken place in...