Guest Post- Powerfist and Psykers ITC Tournament Report

The latest guest post comes courtesy of Darren Tse. Darren is a recent returner to 40k after a long break. He decided to attend a ITC tournament with only a couple of games played and decided to write up his experiences from his games. Over to Darren for his thoughts...

Fluffageddon List Thoughts

With no Blog Wars this November, there is another event being run to take its place; Fluffageddon. This tournament is designed to create an event that brings more variety to armies and "encourage" players not to bring filthy lists for the game. This was in a similar...

My First 40K Tournament – Day Two Report!

Nick speaking,Right, day two of my first ever tournament. and with a decent start and lots of fun on the first day, I was looking to win at least one of the two games on day two, but could I do it?A reminder of my list...Flayed Cron Decurion Detachment...